Such an exhausting but FUN weekend with the family! Lots of celebrating. First, we started off with my birthday on Friday (yep, the Big 27!) night. Had both my family and all my in-laws...perfect! Saturday we died Easter eggs...followed by a party for our niece and nephew (1 and 3). Then finally came Easter Sunday. We had a Easter egg hunt at our house with a few members of our family, then it was off to the In-laws for brunch...home to rest for a few hours then back for Grandma's Easter egg hunt...then finally Easter Dinner :) Pheww...I think I got it all. Great weekend!
Happy Baby Shower, Kaitlin! My really good friend is having a baby girl due mid May (just about 1 year after Conner!) and Conner and I went this last Sunday. Beautiful day in Petaluma! Can't wait to meet our future daughter-in-law!! ;-)
Conner took his first couple steps last Saturday! Since then he has tried a few more times but would still rather crawl! He can get from point A to B much faster that way :)