Monday, October 4, 2010


Welcome to our Family Blog! I am not really good at keeping up-to-date with our day to day life but I will try my best.

Since Conner came into our lives, mine and Sean's lives have changed dramatically (as I am sure any first time parents lives have)...better and worse (by worse, I mean, harder and more challenging).
I am, for now, a stay at home Mom and so far I love it. Don't get me wrong, there are days that I am beyond exhausted and don't know how I am going to make it through the whole day...but somehow I do! I like to think those little smiles Conner gives me, help :)
Caring for a child IS a full time job....a very rewarding full time job. I couldn't imagine having to go back to work after only a few short months with my little man. As Sean and I have both said...we didn't have a baby for someone else to raise him and watch all his great milestones being reached.
We have both had such a great time watching Conner grow. Everyday seems to bring us something new...whether it be Conner laughing, smiling, cooing, learning to sit up or roll over...everyday is a new excitement for us.
Being home with Conner has so many ups. I work with him all day and because of this, he seems to be reaching milestones at great speed.
The last couple of days we have been trying to transition Conner into his own bed....oh boy, let me tell you....NOT EASY! Conner is not getting the sleep he needs nor am it was time!
It's so hard to listen to him I am starting out in baby steps...naps during the day first. So far, it's going well. He cry's for a short period of time and then falls asleep. The dreaded "cry it out" method is tough but I know in the long run it will be best for all 4 (Ryder needs his sleep too!) of us.
Wish us luck! :)

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